SFU Advancement & Alumni Engagement

The June Glory Morrison Graduate Award in Gerontology supports Masters and PhD students in SFU's Gerontology program who are active in the community and volunteer and/or are passionate about finding better long-term care solutions for Canada's seniors.
Funds Raised
$ 8,500
Raised by 6 supporters
Caralyn Randa
Thank you so much Rory and the Morrison family for this generous award! I am honoured to be chosen for the June Glory Morrison Graduate Award in Gerontology and promise to keep the values of kindness, hard work, and genuine care in all aspects of my research and professional practice. Thank you for supporting innovation and commitment to long-term care. Long-term care is my passion, as a staff member I had the opportunity to build relationships with amazing older adults and grow intergenerational friendships I cherish; seeing families rally around their matriarchs is also very near and dear to my heart. I could not imagine a more meaningful award, thank you for seeing value in my work. With overflowing gratitude, Caralyn Randa


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