Once we have all the content needed we can usually build a page within three business days. We make every effort to do so quickly if you are trying to meet the deadline for obituary listing or in time for a service or event. Please provide us with as much information as you have when submitting your request, and that will help us build your page more quickly.
We can help you find a project or initiative on campus that aligns with what you are passionate about. These can be student awards, or work taking place in a faculty, school or on one of our campuses. There could be some restrictions or time delays if we have to set up a new fund, but we will work with you to find the best option.
When we have built your page you will receive to your page that is easily shareable with others electronically or on print materials.
If you do not want a full memorial page, we can provide you with a customized link to a donation page which will direct donors to make a gift to a fund of your choice, or allow them to select of fund of their preference.
All personal information from your donors will be collected, protected, used, disclosed and retained in compliance with British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). This offers donors great assurances that their information will be private and secure.
Unfortunately this means we cannot release donor lists to you, even though you solicited the gifts and they gave to your campaign. We know this can be frustrating, and have strategies in place to help you reach out to your donors, while ensuring FIPPA compliance. It’s also a great idea to get donors, especially if they are close contacts, to inform you directly when they’ve made a gift.
You will receive a receipt by mail within 5-10 days after your gift is processed online. Some exceptions apply during holiday closures.
In lieu of flowers, please direct donations to Simon Fraser University online at give.sfu.ca, by mail to 2118 Strand Hall, 8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada or by calling 778.782.4154
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All the funds provided for scholarships, bursaries and awards go directly to the student recipients. There are no administrative costs associated with your donation.
Gifts dated and postmarked on or before December 31 are eligible to receive a tax receipt for that calendar year.