SFU Advancement & Alumni Engagement

Irv's friends, family, and colleagues are invited to join together to raise funds for the Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific Endowment at SFU. Each fall, the endowment supports an entrance award for an outstanding Haida Gwaii high school student. Irv was a tireless advocate for the Scholarship and your gift will honour his many years of dedication and service to the cause.
Michele St John
This news was a heartbreak when I got the message.....My heart and prayers are going out to Bev and all those many many people who hold Irv dearly. I'm thankful for the years I got to know Irv and the most recent years where he shared poems, jokes, and inspirational pieces through email..... I'll miss seeing Irv holding court, making people laugh and feel welcome at Langara....What a huge loss for all of us. Much love to Bev from one of the blond, ponytailed ,Hawaii Girls...... Always Aloha, Michele


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