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Chris Friesen Memorial Award Endowment

This award keeps Chris's memory alive and shares his strong work ethic, leadership and team spirit with SFU lacrosse players. In light of the 10th anniversary of this award, we hope to bring the endowment to $100,000 to share Chris’s legacy and support even more students in the years to come.

Christian “Chris” Douglas Friesen was born on January 14, 1993. He left us on March 25th, 2010. He was a gifted athlete, friend, brother, nephew, cousin and son.

Chris Friesen loved lacrosse. It was his passion. He wanted to be the best. Chris would want us to use his passion to fuel us. He learned early on from his Langley Lacrosse Association coaches he had to work hard to be the best. His experiences with the SFU coaching staff and the Burnaby Mountain Selects program taught him that to be the best required discipline, hard work and perseverance. It changed his life from his eating habits to his fitness habits. He never quit.

He was taken from us far too early at age 17, just as college recruitment letters were arriving and decisions about the future were contemplated. This fund helps honour Chris’ memory by providing students playing lacrosse at SFU a chance to work harder on their studies, word harder on lacrosse and CHANGE THE WORLD as a result. Chris Friesen would want it that way.

Chris's incredible accomplishments as well as his kindness and compassion were mirrored back to his family through the outpouring of support received ...read more

Donation Impact

Chris's life was cut short, but for his family, this award at SFU keeps his memory alive and shares his remarkable work ethic, talent and winning spirit with lacrosse players. To date, twelve lacrosse student-athletes have received the award and $17,605 has been disbursed.

In light of the 10th anniversary of this award, we hope to bring the endowment to $100,000 to share Chris’s legacy and support even more students in the years to come.

As you make your gift, the Friesen family would like to encourage you to connect with Brent Hoskins (former SFU Lacrosse Coach and current Board Member) at brent@marketbranding.com or (604) 836-7748 as he wants to be in touch with each donor on behalf of the Friesen family.