SFU Advancement & Alumni Engagement

In recognition of Dr. Jeremy Stone’s dedication to community economic development, the Faculty of Environment established the Jeremy Stone Memorial Fund at SFU. Your gift will pay tribute to Jeremy by supporting his passion for economic resilience and well-being and social justice.
Every meeting with Jeremy included a good laugh; every time we worked together, he told me I was awesome (like he told almost everyone he worked with, but it was still so good to hear because you knew he meant it); and no one appreciated our office kombucha as much as he did. I will miss his kind and thoughtful discussions, his endearing giggle and his genuine warmth and openness when carrying a conversation. Even through some tough times, he couldn’t help but to worry about others around him. He’s left a large hole in his considerable sphere of influence, one I hope can be mended over time, but with new fabric and new thread because he’d know that nothing can nor should be remade exactly the same.
joseph pearson
A beautiful tribute, as well as a useful one Jeremy would have appreciated!
Tammara Soma
Jeremy is a powerhouse of love, kindness and brilliance. His light and legacy will continue to shine through because so many people (myself included) have benefitted from his luminescence and will continue his good work.
Dawn Webb
Jeremy was a force. He started out as work colleague & ended up becoming one of my dearest friends and biggest supporters. It still hasn’t quite sunk in that he is gone. He was brilliant, and sensitive, and funny, and loving and he worked incredibly hard to make the world a better place while he was here. While he was at SFU he spoke to me about his interest in starting a scholarship placement in the CED program for students who might otherwise not be able to participate, so I love that this memorial fund exists and I’m proud to contribute to it. The accompanying description captures him beautifully. You are so, so incredibly missed Jer - Rest In Peace my friend.
Sean Markey
Jeremy was an amazing person - so incredibly dedicated, kind, and brilliant. In all of his work Jeremy wanted to impact and advance transformation - he wasn't interested in perpetuating the status quo or even incremental change - a fierce advocate for social and ecological justice. We will all miss you.
One person who touched and inspired so many. I was lucky to know him and witness his deep curiosity and commitment to social change, as well as his caring heart. You will not be forgotten Jeremy.
I had the pleasure to work very closely with Jeremy before and while he was the Director of CED. I worked on the CED program myself and it was a pleasure to work with someone who was passionate about bringing this program to those in further communities that would really benefit from it. He strived to enact positive change, something I respected him deeply for. My deep condolences on his passing.
James Raymond
Jeremy was one of the most brilliant people I have come across in my professional life. Super smart, funny, well-and softly-spoken, giving, and such an expert on so many topics. He will be incredibly missed.
Lisa Cannady
Jeremy was incredibly intelligent, super kind, and above all the funniest guy I know. I always looked forward to a conversation with him because I knew I would walk away with a full heart. We are all better people for knowing you, Jeremy. You are so, so missed.
Tamlyn Smith
I met Jeremy when he was the Director of the CED program I took. He mailed me the books for the class- with confetti and a hand written note. This kind of thoughtfulness and joy was what Jeremy brought to every conversation and moment in the time I knew him. He fostered an incredibly inspiring, inclusive environment and in the short time I knew him, he had a profound impact. Dearly missed. Never forgotten.


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