Formed in 2009, SFU’s Faculty of Environment (FENV) provides excellent teaching and public engagement, alongside a high level of student participation and activism tied to social justice and a healthy environment. Faculty members and students within our programs explore the complex relationships between humans and their built and natural environments from the past to the present. FENV is committed to the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic and social, aiming to make a positive impact locally and globally.
Consisting of the Departments of Archaeology and Geography, as well as the Schools of Environmental Science, and Resource and Environmental Management (REM), FENV provides abundant options for students interested in an impactful and influential degree.
FENV students develop critical thinking, participate in experiential learning, and acquire new skills preparing them to transfer their knowledge into practical action as archaeologists, environmental consultants, policy analysts, GIS specialists, urban planners, sustainability entrepreneurs and more.
FENV researchers are leading cutting-edge research for positive change and a more sustainable future while our programs and initiatives emphasize climate change, biodiversity, and community engagement—such as our international field school with the Aga Khan University in Tanzania or REM's Clam Garden Network, which involves diverse stakeholders in exploring the cultural and ecological significance of coastal clam gardens.
Outreach activities include “Bridging Environments,” which connects FENV students with high school clubs for impactful projects, and our “Earth Day Environment Stewardship Challenge,” which engages students, faculty, staff, and alumni in environmental projects across Metro Vancouver.
FENV is also home to SFU’s Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, which emphasizes community engagement and showcases artifacts globally with a focus on British Columbia.
Christine Harris
Director of Advancement, Faculty of Environment